Friday, July 6, 2012

The Williamson Museum Membership Drive:

The Williamson Museum, the preservers and caretakers of our local
history, is a non-profit organization that relies on memberships to
sustain its communal outreach. We need you--anyone who has interest in
preserving our cultural heritage should consider joining us!

The Williamson Museum and its members are a small yet dedicated team
of history enthusiasts all working together to preserve and understand
the genealogy of our home. Our interests pertain specifically to the
history of Williamson County, and we strive to preserve and exhibit
knowledge and items relating the culture of the entire county. With
the strong support of our members, we are able to hold and participate
in a number of events across the county to promote our shared history
and to cultivate interest in our youth.

The museum provides insight and develops exhibits historical
information based of first-hand sources and experiences of people who
represent how the county has had its impact on the nation, and the
world. We collect stories as much as artifacts, and dedicate ourselves
to educate, entertain, and enlighten our community.

Thanks to our members' contributions, the museum has been able to
serve nearly 10,000 students in the county's schools as well as
welcome more than 12,000 visitors to the museum free of charge. We
have also been able to provide free public events--Chisholm Trail
Days, Pioneer Days, and Archaeology Day--as well as provide traveling
exhibits throughout the county.

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